Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The posted links are a couple of explanations of the subject of my Tiara. The Ginnungagap is the 'Yawning emptiness". It stood between the lands of fire and ice. The warm air of the south meeting the cold of the north melted the ice and the drops formed YMIR the frost giant and AUDHUMLA the primeval cow.when licking the ice Audhumla discovered BURI. Buri had 3 grandsons,ODIN VILI AND VE. They killed Ymir and took his body to the center of Ginnungagap. There they made Midgard or the world of men. Ymirs flesh became the earth,his bones the mountains and his teeth rocks and stones.His hair became the trees and his blood the lakes and seas.His skull formed the sky with 4 dwarfs Nordi sudri austri and westri holding up the corners.( The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology)


GINNUNGAGAP The gaping pit that lay between niflheim the place of mists and ice and muspellheim the world of raging fire. It existed before land or sea, heaven or Earth. It was in Gin-nungagap that the first living creatures were formed ymir, the first giant, and audhumla, the cow see creation.,143,ginnungagap.html

Ginnungagap ("seeming emptiness"), in the cosmology of Norse mythology, is the primordial void separating Niflheim and Muspell, the land of eternal ice and snow and the land of eternal heat and flame.
In the beginning, before the world of men and gods existed, the spring Hvergelmir, deep in the frozen wastes of Niflheim, gave rise to eleven rivers known as the Elivagar. Over a long period of time, water of the Elivagar ran across Niflheim and poured into the northern part of Ginnungagap. The water froze, forming vast sheets of ice in the void. Hot air from Muspell melted some of the ice, creating a zone of meltwater amid the ice and snow. Here life began, and the first living thing was a frost giant. (See: Ymir.)